VIDEO: Tváří v tvář „velkému bílému“. Musíme je chránit, ne zabíjet, apeluje potápěčka


VIDEO: Tváří v tvář „velkému bílému“. Musíme je chránit, ne zabíjet, apeluje potápěčkaNOVÉ 1

Výzkumnice zabývající se těmito obávanými zvířaty se nechala vyfotit bok po boku s několikametrovým bílým žralokem, kterému se často přezdívá „žralok lidožravý“. Fotografie pořídil její snoubenec, s kterým se snaží tlačit na havajskou legislativu, aby začala žraloky chránit.

Podle zahraničních médií jde možná i o jeden z největších zachycených exemplářů. Oba výzkumníci se podle agentury AP setkali se šestimetrovým žralokem v úterý poblíž havajského ostrova Oahu, kde se krmil na ostatcích vorvaně obrovského. Událost zachytili a sdíleli na sociálních sítích, informuje britský The Guardian.

#Jaws was a fictitious film whose poster kind of looks like this, so this is my effort at an Anti-Jaws type media piece @savingjawsmovie . I’ve been swimming with sharks my whole life and working professionally with them for over 15 years. There’s a challenge I have in my efforts, to find a balance between helping people to overcome their fear of sharks that often stems for fictitious demonizing media and instilling a healthy level of respect for sharks as very capable apex predators #ApexPredatorNotMonster not puppy (cause if you pet puppies often even puppies bite, actually a lot ;)). Having worked with sharks for so long I can fully appreciate what they are capable of because I have been rushed by sharks and had to deter them and I have had to leave the water and I have watched them actively predate and compete for space and have confrontations. However, I’ve also had the most incredible moments of my life in the water with them where 99.9% of the time they cruise gracefully around and so long as I keep looking around and pay attention constantly and quietly and give respect and attention to the more dominant individuals and challenging juveniles on a CONSTANT bases I am treated as more or less an equal predator. Never complacent, always respectful and adapting at every second to every movement. I reached the point long ago where I dedicated my life to conservation and I love it, I love educating people about sharks and introducing them to them in a professional guided situation through the program I co-founded @oneoceandiving where we also collect data @oneoceanresearch @oneoceansharks and help support conservation through @Oneoceanconservation and @OneoceanEducation and @Oneoceanglobal @Waterinspired @oneoceanhawaii and other with funds from @oneoceandesigns and diving I love studying shark behavior and body language and its an absolute pleasure to share that with people and help them to better appreciate sharks and I hope inspire them to help save them. Check out http://HelpSaveSharks.Org for more ways to get involved. #Aloha #hawaii #greatWhiteHawaii #SaveTheOcean #ocean #discoversharks #oneoceanconservation #OneOceanDiving PHOTO CREDIT @juansharks ❤️

Příspěvek sdílený Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey),

Ocean Ramseyová vede spolu se snoubencem společnost zabývající se potápěním a výzkumem právě na ostrově Oahu. Společně se už po několik let snaží tlačit na zavedení zákona, který by zakázal zabíjení žraloků a rejnoků na Havaji. Ramseyová tvrdí, že fotografie, na nichž je zachycena v těsné blízkosti velkého bílého žraloka, dokazují, že bychom měli tyto predátory chránit, nikoliv se jich bát. Chtějí, aby si lidé uvědomili, že žraločí kousnutí je spíše vzácné. „Myšlenka, že vidí lidi jako zdroj potravy, to je nesmysl, který by se měl přestat říkat, protože to skutečně vede k úbytku těchto zvířat,“ řekl její snoubenec Juan Oliphant.

PHOTO BY @juansharks 😍😱🤭😳😍 Maybe my fav photo of me (@oceanramsey) and Shark ohana 🦈 of all time so far 😳😍😱 It’s so hard to choose, so many beautiful moments I am so eternally grateful for sharks please help save them. I am without words and at the same time I think I never stop speaking up for sharks, I am grateful beyond measure for my experiences and what they have taught me. This photo was taken yesterday off my home waters of Oahu, Hawaii when hey Shark I think I’ve met previously in Isla Guadalupe graced us with her big beautiful incredible presence 💙 I headed out with my team from @oneoceandiving (my ❤️ @juansharks ) and @mermaid_kayleigh @camgrantphotography for a day I will never forget. I’ve been trying to get the bill re-introduced in Hawaii to ban the purposeful killing of sharks and rays and this just feels like the biggest sign to keep pushing forward for more protection for them. Shark populations around the planet are severely declined. They need protection from targeted shark fishing for shark been soup and sport fishing. Please speak up in your own community and help support international efforts. #helpsavesharks #savesharks #shark #greatwhiteshark #sharks #oceanramseyandgreatwhite #oceanramseygreatwhite PHOTO BY #JUANSHARKS #Sharkphotographer #Sharkarma #savetheocean #instagood Join me at my team to learn about sharks OneOceanDiving.Com @oneoceanresearch @oneoceanconservation @oneoceaneducation @oneoceanglobal @oneoceanhawaii @waterinspired New conservation benefit tiger shark biomimicry wetsuit by @xcelwetsuits #instagram #discoversharks #instagood #ocean #incredible #amazing #beautiful Photo by @juansharks 😘😍❤️🦈❤️

Příspěvek sdílený Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey),

Na rozdíl od řady mořských savců nejsou žraloci chráněni zákonem, ačkoliv jsou tu zákony zakazující prodej jejich ploutví. „Pro žraloky tu není moc pochopení, je to kvůli způsobu jejich zobrazování v médiích a jejich ne zrovna roztomilému přítulnému vzhledu,“ řekla Ramseyová.

Disclaimer: I highly discourage people from purposely jumping in the water with great white sharks or tiger sharks or any large shark like a bull shark or a Galapagos, even smaller sharks are capable predators who need and deserve respect however they are not the mindless monsters they are portrayed as in the media as you can see. In my experience this is the most mellow #whiteshark I have ever had the privilege and honor of meeting. I have been working with great whites for over 10 years and with sharks in general for over 15 years full-time I work with sharks on a daily basis in a safety and research and conservation program. #saveSharks Sharks are being killed at a rate of 70,000,000 to 100,000,000 please help save sharks. They are Important for a healthy marine ecosystems, and they are beyond amazing 😍😍😍😍#SaveGreatWHITESHARKS !!! I LOVE SHARKS 😍😍😍😍😍 @juansharks @oneoceandiving @oneoceanresearch #helpsavesharks #savesharks #savetheocean #nodrama #lifesamazing #oceanramsey #oneoceandiving with @mermaid_kayleigh @camgrantphotography @oneoceanconservation Going back in the water now #instagram #instanow #instaincredible #discoversharks #ocean #discoverocean #Repost from 2 days ago surveying sharks off #oahu with #oneoceanresearch and #oneoceandiving

A post shared by Ocean Ramsey #OceanRamsey (@oceanramsey) on

Ramseyová má s potápěním se se žraloky a se studiem jejich chování letité zkušenosti. Nemyslí tím proto, že by se lidé měli vrhnout do vody ke žralokům a bezelstně se v jejich okolí vyskytovat, zvláště, pokud je poblíž jejich zdroj jídla. Snaží se proto lidi naučit, jak se při setkání s těmito predátory zachovat.

Čtěte dále: Národní muzeum dostalo tisíce zkamenělin. Miliony let staré fosílie pochází z dolu Bílina

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